Are You Ready For A New Challenge? Take The Challenge
myChallengeBoard consists of 100 questions.
If your answer is correct you have:
The opportunity to receive a Challenge Award payable to your Stripe or PayPal account.
The ability to reward a friend, if you receive a Challenge Award your friend receives a Friend Award
myChallengeBoards are delivered to your email everyday or available on the desktop.
To answer a question*, click on a Challenge block on your myChallengeBoard and answer the question*. You can answer one question* or 100. Each correct answer is an opportunity for a Challenge Award.
myChallengeBoard Page 1 of 25 Pages
*You must be 18 years or older, read English (additional languages soon), have a United States bank account, a Stripe Account, and a United States mobile phone number. Coming soon Paypal and Venmo.